High / Low Zine by James Franco
High / Low Zine by James Franco
High / Low Zine by James Franco
High / Low Zine by James Franco

High / Low Zine by James Franco


Issue 05 guest edited by The Disaster Artist director and star James Franco.

11.5" x 15"

To be human is to dream, and everyone feels like an outsider at some point. 

With The Disaster Artist, we tried to uncover the passion which drove Tommy Wiseau to throw himself headlong into the making of The Room. On one level, the film didn’t achieve what Tommy sought out to achieve. On another level, it’s raw self-expression and what is art but that? 

Admit it or not, we all have some Tommy in us. The Room may be low-art, but the passion behind it is of the highest caliber; on the surface Tommy Wiseau is nothing short of bizarro, but underneath he is Brando. 

– James Franco